Geist Associates Youngstown

402 Atlantic St NW, Warren, OH 44483
Phone No:
(330) 392-9000
General Info
Geist Associates Inc Geist Associates was established to provide design and drafting support for facilities engineering department, manufacturers and machine builders in the Northeast United States. Our services have expanded to a complete line of civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, industrial ventilation, machine, and hydraulic design. Our current staff function in many disciplines. Our staff provides specialty machine design, drafting and C.A.D. services to a variety of clients. Our staff performs such functions as: plant engineering, machine design and drafting, and materials handling/flow analysis, to technicians, under the supervision of our clients' engineering and managers. Our staff offers many skill levels in varying disciplines-Bachelor of Science degrees in mechanical, civil, industrial and electrical engineering plus years of on the job training. The average of our staff experience is approximately 25 years in their specialty. Our goal is to continue to provide the best possible technical services to fill our clients needs. If you are interested in discussing ways in which Geist Associates might be of service to you, please call and we will be glad to visit you at your convenience.

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