Palisades Hudson Financial Group LLC

2 Overhill Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583-5323, USA
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We strive to provide impartial information and advice that promotes our clients’ financial security, the well-being of their loved ones, the satisfaction of their legal obligations, and the achievement of their philanthropic goals.

Asset Allocation and Investment Management:

We serve our clients’ investment needs through our registered investment adviser affiliate, Palisades Hudson Asset Management, L.P. (PHAM). Our investment-related services include portfolio review, asset allocation, performance reporting and discretionary investment management.

Personal Financial Planning:

We offer a broad array of personal financial planning services including estate planning, insurance consulting, trust planning, cross border planning, business valuation & appraisal, family office & business management, and executive financial planning. For more information about these services please click here.

Financial Management Services:

Our comprehensive financial management services include cash flow management and budgeting, bill-paying, and bookkeeping.

Sophisticated Tax Planning & Return Preparation:

We have extensive experience assisting clients with a wide range of complex personal and business tax concerns. We provide our clients with effective planning and efficient tax return preparation, ensuring that they satisfy their legal obligations without overlooking opportunities to reduce their overall tax burden.