Medac Corporation

804 Scott Nixon Memorial Dr, Augusta, GA 30907-2464, USA
Phone No:

Medac, Inc. is a privately held corporation organized in 1992 under the laws in the state of Georgia. Medac provides business management services and information products to healthcare providers and has specifically marketed to anesthesia practices. Medac’s healthcare services are designed to assist clients with the business management functions associated with the delivery of healthcare services, in particular, the billing and collection functions, thereby permitting physicians and hospitals to focus on providing quality medical services to their patients. This outsourcing also reduces the overhead with a minimal capital investment required by the anesthesia practice. Medac’s quality, results oriented commitment to clients provides the most comprehensive and personalized service possible while optimizing reimbursement.

Medac has developed a proprietary, state-of-the-art billing information management system (Kam Technologies) designed exclusively for anesthesia and pain management. Our system is specifically designed to improve efficiency in both handling of bills and the percentage of bills recovered.