
644 Linn St, Cincinnati, OH 45203, USA
Phone No:
5133810505, 800.381.0053

We’re one of the country’s largest independent providers of payroll services and human resources solutions. But we build our success – and yours – on the power of working one to one. We tailor our payroll solutions to your business needs. And we assign you a Payroll Specialist to keep things running smoothly and be there with answers when you need them.

What do we believe about being a good organization? First and foremost, we treat people as individuals and clients as relationships, not numbers. Historically we’ve called ourselves a “professional payroll firm” rather than a “data processor”.

That fundamental differentiator exists today, only our business has grown to include many adjacent services, like time management and human resource systems. We don’t like the label of “call center” even though much of our business takes place by personal on-the-phone interactions. We are more than a call center. We dedicate a person to each account and in doing so treat clients the way we would want to be treated.

In addition to caring about one to one relationships, we believe in doing the right thing. Day to day that means we listen, we strive for improvement in all that we do and we value integrity. One example of this is our pricing philosophy. We work hard on increasing internal efficiencies so that prices can remain as competitive as possible for our full-service offering. We give new clients a 2-year price guarantee and only raise prices biennially thereafter. Our commitment to the communities we serve is another way we show our belief in doing what is right.