Enforsys Systems Inc

3 Becker Farm Rd
Phone No:
(973) 422-1240
Enforsys:: Resolving public safety agencies' critical needs of information management, data sharing, and analysisAbout EnforsysEnforsys, Inc, a leading developer of public safety software, provides information sharing, forecast analytics, computer aided dispatch ( CAD ), records management systems ( RMS ), and mobile reporting solutions. Based in Roseland, New Jersey, the company was founded in 2000.Enforsys offers a fully-integrated set of applications that can be accessed over a private IP network, including wireless connectivity. The company currently has more than 120 installations in the northeastern United States. Clients range in size from small agencies comprising just four officers, to large departments with more than 1, 400 officers.Our company focuses on resolving public safety agencies' critical needs for information management, data sharing, and analysis with minimal capital outlay. The Enforsys technology provides for an integrated real-time application that connects a police officer or other public safety professional with the broader systems of law enforcement and criminal justice.The Enforsys management team has an extensive background in both law enforcement and information technology, with 47 years of law enforcement experience, 50 years of IT experience, and 43 years of customer service experience.Software solutions including Computer Aided Dispatch, Records Management System and full mobile computing.Enforsys 3 Becker Farm Road, NJ 07068 Roseland Sign In website design: Resonate Design Studios
Extra Phone Numbers:

Primary Phone: (973) 576-9000

Phone: (973) 576-9000

Phone: (973) 422-0160
