Colletti's Computers

Serving the Pittsburgh Area.
Phone No:
(415) 555-1212
Open Hours:

The street address and phone number listed are factitious. Please contact by e-mail. Colletti's Computers is a sole proprietorship and an elite global online-assisted multi-service computer solution that's run by Owner, Computer Systems Engineer, and Editor Erick Colletti, and located in Pennsylvania, USA.

Service and Products:

Virus, spyware and rootkit removal.

Hardware and software repair, installation, upgrades and maintenance.

PC tune-up: Windows Operating System, hard disk, and registry optimization.

Security: password protection, firewall and Internet browser configuration, and Windows updates.

Data backup and recovery: online or offline storage.

Website design, SEO, maintenance, and proofreading; English only.

Payment Method:

* 8 years experience, with comprehensive knowledge from ASCII to machine language.

* No hidden fees or bill padding.

* Affordable, honest, fast, friendly, and AAA service for personal and business Windows PC users.

* Professionally-written, easy-to-understand communication.

* A detailed, hourly log of all completed work called an Engineer's Finalization Electronic Notificationâ„¢ will be sent after the job.

* 30-day warranty.

* 15% discount on your next order if you refer a friend.
