LJT Management Cardiff sea

16880 W Bernardo Dr Ste 110, San Diego, CA 92127
Phone No:
(858) 676-8300
General Info
About LJT LJT has been working with small businesses since 1985. We offer a variety of services and products designed to immediately increase your profitability and streamline your business. LJT takes a unique approach to helping you manage your business in your competitive market. Analyzing Your Business The industry has changed and continues to change dramatically. Not everyone is keeping up. By taking a hard look at what it takes to stay in business and prosper, dealers can see where they are in relation to the industry. Your business analysis includes an in-depth look at the concept of separate profit centers, sales and profit improvement and staff development Marketing Your Products and Services Promoting, inventory management and analysis, employee training in marketing, competitive analysis, and security are all important parts of the marketing plan. To reach full sales potential, sales promotion and advertising need special attention. Developing a Long-Term Business Plan The long-term business plan encourages the retailer to establish a direction for the business, and to plan for capital investments that will be necessary to grow the business. This broader perspective provides a base from which to manage and make adjustments. LJT specializes in writing, developing, and conducting a wide range of workshops that vary from one to nine days. These workshops cover a variety of management subjects for small businesses, including business planning, financial management, wage and hour regulations, employee regulations, and personnel management. Customized courses are available in these areas:

Regular Hours

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Phone: (858) 673-7227


Ljt Management Services

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Management Consultants, Business Coaches & Consultants, Organizing Services-Household & Business